

Has the HandTutor™ system been proved effective in clinical trials?2015-11-27T16:41:36+00:00

Yes the HandTutor™ system has been proved effective in randomized controlled control clinical trials.

Can the HandTutor™ system document the patient”s rehabilitation process?2015-11-27T16:41:07+00:00

The HandTutor™ can generate reports on active and passive patient hand movements and speed of finger and wrist movements. The reports are saved in the patient’s file for easy access. These reports can be saved during therapy and fully document the rehabilitation process.

Why is patient motion analysis and evaluation necessary to achieve treatment goals?2015-11-27T16:40:27+00:00

The quantitative hand assessment is necessary to identify the degree of hand disability. Once the therapist knows the degree of patient hand disability a customized training rehabilitation program can be formulated. The result is better hand rehabilitation. In addition, the evaluation software allows the therapist to set a baseline for hand treatment that can be referred to as evidence in order to show improvement in rehabilitation therapy.

Which hand impairments are evaluated by the HandTutor™2016-10-26T05:58:43+00:00

The therapist can evaluate the following:

  • Passive Range of Motion
  • Active Range of Motion
  • Velocity of finger movements
  • Characterization of quality of the movement, such as tremor or smoothness
  • Fine motor skills

The information is used to quantify patient performance, determine therapy goals and monitor patient progress.

Can the difficulty of the HandTutor™ exercises be tailored to hand movement ability?2015-11-27T16:38:48+00:00

The difficulty level of all the functional exercises in the HandTutor™ system can be tailored to the patient’s functional ability. This functional ability is determined by the patients motor, sensory and cognitive impairments.

What is the difference between Electromyograph (EMG) and motion feedback?2015-11-27T16:38:13+00:00

EMG detects electrical muscle activity. This electrical activity can only be detected from single surface muscles. However this electrical activity can not be directly translated into information that shows whether the patient has achieved the desired and task required body movement. In contrast, motion feedback is derived only when the patient achieves movement and can thus be used as a reliable indication to whether the task is being properly performed.

How does the HandTutor™ produce motion feedback?2015-11-27T16:36:59+00:00

The HandTutor™ system uses position sensors on the glove that can detect fine movements of the fingers and the wrist. This movement is visually displayed to the patient and the therapist through a graphical interface.

What is the role of motion feedback and movement instruction provided by the HandTutor system?2015-11-27T16:36:29+00:00

Motion feedback is auditory and visual information derived from the position of the patient’s hand. This motion feedback is quantitative and collected in real time. The role of motion feedback is to allow the patient’s brain to understand how successful the patient is in the performance of the exercise.

Movement instruction is provided by the exercise task within the HandTutor system. A combination of real time instruction and motion feedback will enable the patient to learn how to correctly plan and exeute his hand movements within the task.

What is the rehabilitation concept behind the HandTutor™?2015-11-27T16:35:59+00:00

The rehabilitation concept uses a combination of challenging active repetitive exercises together with motion feedback. The result is a significant improvement in hand function and the ability to perform everyday tasks.

Can the HandTutor™ be used in the home care setting and assist in rehabilitation?2015-11-27T16:35:27+00:00

The HandTutor™ system is designed to be effective in both clinic and home care environments. The evaluation and treatment program is simple and intuitive to use. At the same time the treatment exercises are stimulating and challenging to keep the patient motivated.

Which patients can benefit from HandTutor™ treatment?2015-11-27T16:34:56+00:00

Patients that have five percent of active movement relative to their passive movement can benefit from HandTutor™ treatment.

Which age groups can be treated by the HandTutor™ system?2015-11-27T16:33:54+00:00

The HandTutor™ system has been designed to cover age groups of 7 years of age and upwards.

What are the indications of the HandTutor™?2015-11-27T16:33:10+00:00
  • Stroke
  • Head injuries
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Development Co-ordination Disorders
  • Brachial Plexus injury
  • Radial and Ulnar nerve injuries
  • Post hand surgery rehabilitation e.g. Tendon transfer
  • Forearm e.g. Elbow, Radius, Ulnar fractures and soft tissue injuries
  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Which Therapists can prescribe HandTutor™ treatment?2015-11-27T16:27:53+00:00

Hand Therapists including Occupational Therapists and Physical Therapists use the HandTutor™ system as a major tool in their rehabilitation program.

What is the HandTutor™?2015-11-27T16:27:09+00:00

The HandTutor™ is a novel system designed to evaluate and rehabilitate sensory, motor and cognitive hand impairments. The result of using the HandTutor™ is an improvement in hand function.

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